Creating a Healthier Tech Work Environment: Best Practices for Employers

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By sadia

Creating a Healthier Tech Work Environment: Best Practices for Employers

Running a tech business can be an intense environment as everyone is typing away and forking from screen to screen, but it can also be a fun and rewarding workplace. It is up to the employer to make sure that their employees are not just working non-stop for twelve hours a day and there are many ways to do that. Read the tips below for the best practices to create a healthier tech work environment.

Create Ergonomic Working Spaces

Working in tech involves a lot of sitting and staring at computer screens. By creating a dynamic work environment with different types of sitting areas, you will keep your employees comfortable. Many successful tech companies provide standing desks as well to keep employees alert and avoid fatigue from sitting on a chair all day. Standing desks are adjustable so that your employees can go back and forth from a standing position to a sitting position. When seated, make sure that all employees have ergonomic chairs that have sturdy back support and comfortable cushions.

Allow Regular Breaks

Taking a break from the screens is good for the overall health of your employees. By making mandatory breaks where employees can rest their eyes and socialize, you will foster a healthier social environment in the office. For employees who smoke, this offers them a chance to step outside and partake in the enjoyment of their premium Canadian classic cigarettes and socialize with other smokers in the smoking area. Smoking relaxes workers in a stressful tech job and makes them less stressed throughout the day. These breaks throughout the day allow employees to reset before going back to their desks to continue their tasks for the day.

Prioritize Mental Health

As an employer, it is up to you to offer mental health services to your employees like counseling and individualized help. The tech industry can be very stressful, so being a pillar of support for your employees and letting them know that their workplace is more than just a place to clock in and clock out, but also a safe haven is great for retention. Some employees may need extra services to allow them to work well, so making the work environment equitable for them will boost their mental health and let them know that their place of work supports them.

Provide Healthy Meals

Many offices will provide a free meal once a week or on special occasions. To keep the work environment healthy, providing meals that include fruits, vegetables, and other healthy ingredients will serve as brain food and keep employees healthy. If your offices have a cafeteria, you can start a health food initiative by eliminating the unhealthy food options and replacing them with things like a salad bar. Making sure to accommodate food allergies and preferences by creating vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free sections will keep all employees happy and healthy.

Organize Outdoor Activities

Every once in a while, you can plan a company picnic or an outdoor activity to get employees out of their chairs and out into the sunlight. This encourages physical activity and makes the work environment less oppressive. Even encouraging walks or organizing a company 5K race can keep your employees active, contributing to their overall health. These events can be organized by you, the boss, or a team of employees like the human resources team.

Flexible Work Arrangements

In a post-COVID world, most jobs have been proven to be successfully done from home. Although many companies have re-integrated back to in-person functions, most have implemented flexible working arrangements for their employees. You can do this in your tech business by offering your employees a certain amount of work-from-home days per week and letting them choose which days they want to come into the office.

Obviously, if your office is where most of the tech equipment is, some employees will need to be present to get their jobs done, but a lot of tasks can be done on laptops, which means employees can take their work computers home whenever they want. As long as you can still foster community among your employees, there is no reason why flexible work arrangements can’t be implemented in a tech business environment.

Continuing Education Opportunities

As the world of tech is always evolving, you want your employees to be educated on the most recent advancements. By offering free workshops and giving employees the opportunity to take courses or advanced degrees while also working for your company, they will likely stay with your company for many years because they get the sense that they are always learning and growing in the work environment. A healthy work environment is one where learning is encouraged to the degree that employers will help fund further education.

Achievement Recognition

When employees accomplish a difficult task or finish a project they have been working on for months, it is important that the employer takes the time to recognize their achievements. Whether that is taking them out for a business lunch or having a small party in the office, giving recognition to individuals and teams in the office keeps a healthy atmosphere. Organizing an annual awards ceremony for all employees is another great way to keep people excited about their jobs. Achievement recognition leads to healthier working habits and enhanced motivation to work hard at their jobs.

Maintain Good Communication

Keeping an open-door policy and always reminding employees that their feedback is welcome is a great way to maintain healthy communication throughout the company. As a tech business, it can sometimes be hard to communicate while everyone is staring at screens, but having regular meetings where people can ask questions and air grievances can be very helpful.

Provide Updated Technology

When people work in tech, it is expected that they will be provided with all of the tools they need to get their job done. As an employer, you should always have the newest technology to appeal to applicants and retain employees. If employees feel like they are lacking in technological tools, in their workplace, they will start to search for a new job where they will be provided.

Each individual employee is different in their wants and needs, so maintaining a healthy work environment while running a tech business is important. From making sure everyone is physically comfortable to regularly acknowledging achievements, you can make sure that you are running a healthy tech work environment.