How to find trusted reviews for online casinos

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By sadia

How to find trusted reviews for online casinos

The online casino industry is constantly evolving and growing. New platforms are developed daily, giving players numerous options to explore and discover more games. However, as a player, it can be challenging to choose a platform that meets your needs due to the constant release of new gaming platforms.

Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about the stress of searching for casinos because there are thousands of reviews available online that discuss casinos and whether players should choose them.

However, you also need to be careful because not all online reviews can be trusted, as some are biased or even paid promotions. In this article, we’ll help you determine how to find trusted reviews for online casinos that will not only suit your preferences but also keep you and your information secure.

Look for a reputable review site

Firstly, the best way to find trusted reviews is to search for reputable review sites. These sites will have a team of professional reviewers who are knowledgeable about the online gaming industry. With a wider range of writers, the reader is more likely to find information they feel is helpful to them. For example, the reader might prefer a sportsbook article written by Rowan Fisher-Shotton, highly skilled sports betting journalist, based on the way they break down information into an easy to digest list of pros and cons (as seen in the linked review of BetVictor), while others might prefer information presented in a deep analytical study. Both are valid, but the reader will find one a more useful source of information for them. It all comes down to personal preference.

Licensing and regulation information

After finding a reputable review site, it is important to determine if the casino you are interested in is licensed and regulated. Licensing information is something that every good casino review site should cover. You can trust the casino site if its license is issued by a trusted licensing authority such as the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario(AGCO), which is authorized by the government. If a casino does not have any license, you should avoid it.

When a casino is regulated by an Ontario regulatory body, you can be assured that you are safe and do not need to worry about being scammed. Additionally, regulatory bodies ensure that players can avoid becoming addicted to gambling by regulating gaming activities to create a safe gaming environment.

If you are a Canadian player wondering how to verify a casino site’s licensing status, here is an easy step: when you visit the website, scroll to the bottom of the homepage. You should see the licensing authority’s logo. Make sure they are an authority approved by the government of Ontario.

Review scope/criteria

A trusted review should never be rough or lack details. Instead, they go deeply into the casino’s offerings. Pay attention to these detailed reviews and base your decision on what they have to say.

Game selection is a major criterion. The reviewer will highlight the major games that players enjoy the most, from slots to live dealer games and table games. They will also let you know if these games are enjoyed by a specific audience or a broader range of players. This is because some casinos offer a wider variety of games than others. For example, if a recommended casino has more slot games, a table game enthusiast might choose to avoid it due to the limited options in the game genre they personally prefer.

Other criteria such as software providers, payment methods, bonuses and promotions, supported devices and customer support are also important as aside from finding a casino that offers fun games, the other aspects need to be compatible with your priorities, so that you have a more enjoyable gaming experience. You are more likely to trust a review that keeps you well-informed about these casino offers.

Balanced reviews

The truth is that there is no perfect casino, even if they offer the largest selection of games, they are still likely to have their drawbacks. A trustworthy reviewer will point that out to players. Always make sure to choose sites that provide balanced reviews. Balanced reviews talk about both the positive and negative aspects of the casino, without solely focusing on one rather than the other.

If a reviewer only talks about the positives of a casino, it could either be a paid promotion or a marketing tactic to boost the visibility of the casino. At the end of the day, many of them end up promoting scam gaming platforms that steal from players and endanger their safety. Even though a review site can be trusted due to the depth of the information about online casinos, this does not guarantee the authenticity of the platforms they promote.

Remember to choose review sites that do not overly praise or intensely criticize a casino. Gauge the review and ensure they are well-balanced in both aspects.

Check multiple sources

Lastly, always check multiple review sources. Relying on a single review will not give you a comprehensive view of an online casino. If you decide to choose a casino based on one review, you might encounter aspects that the reviewer did not mention while exploring the casino.

Not every reviewer will say the same thing about a casino; there will always be differences. By checking different reviews, you can identify biased comments, see through the hype built up around certain features, such as bonus and promotion offers, and discover in-depth details mentioned by one reviewer that were missed by another. This can help you find a trustworthy review site that recommends reliable online casinos.

As the online gaming industry is constantly changing and there are new updates and rules introduced all the time, ensure that the reviews you are checking are recent and up to date.


Finding trustworthy reviews can be an easy process if you follow the above guide. Make sure to thoroughly do your research to avoid falling victim to any scams.